Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal

import arviz as az
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
import numpyro as npy
import numpyro.distributions as npd
import toytree as tt
from anndata import AnnData
from jax import config, random
from lamin_utils import logger
from mudata import MuData
from numpyro.infer import Predictive

from import (

    import pandas as pd

config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)

[docs] class Tasccoda(CompositionalModel2): """ Statistical model for tree-aggregated differential composition analysis (tascCODA, Ostner et al., 2021). The hierarchical formulation of the model for one sample is: .. math:: \\begin{align*} Y_i &\\sim \\textrm{DirMult}(\\bar{Y}_i, \\textbf{a}(\\textbf{x})_i)\\\\ \\log(\\textbf{a}(X))_i &= \\alpha + X_{i, \\cdot} \\beta\\\\ \\alpha_j &\\sim \\mathcal{N}(0, 10) & \\forall j\\in[p]\\\\ \\beta &= \\hat{\\beta} A^T \\\\ \\hat{\\beta}_{l, k} &= 0 & \\forall k \\in \\hat{v}, l \\in [d]\\\\ \\hat{\\beta}_{l, k} &= \\theta \\tilde{\\beta}_{1, l, k} + (1- \\theta) \\tilde{\\beta}_{0, l, k} \\quad & \\forall k\\in\\{[v] \\smallsetminus \\hat{v}\\}, l \\in [d]\\\\ \\tilde{\\beta}_{m, l, k} &= \\sigma_{m, l, k} * b_{m, l, k} \\quad & \\forall k\\in\\{[v] \\smallsetminus \\hat{v}\\}, m \\in \\{0, 1\\}, l \\in [d]\\\\ \\sigma_{m, l, k} &\\sim \\textrm{Exp}(\\lambda_{m, l, k}^2/2) \\quad & \\forall k\\in\\{[v] \\smallsetminus \\hat{v}\\}, l \\in \\{0, 1\\}, l \\in [d]\\\\ b_{m, l, k} &\\sim N(0,1) \\quad & \\forall k\\in\\{[v] \\smallsetminus \\hat{v}\\}, l \\in \\{0, 1\\}, l \\in [d]\\\\ \\theta &\\sim \\textrm{Beta}(1, \\frac{1}{|\\{[v] \\smallsetminus \\hat{v}\\}|}) \\end{align*} with Y being the cell counts, X the covariates, and v the set of nodes of the underlying tree structure. For further information, see `tascCODA: Bayesian Tree-Aggregated Analysis of Compositional Amplicon and Single-Cell Data` (Ostner et al., 2021) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def load( self, adata: AnnData, type: Literal["cell_level", "sample_level"], cell_type_identifier: str = None, sample_identifier: str = None, covariate_uns: str | None = None, covariate_obs: list[str] | None = None, covariate_df: pd.DataFrame | None = None, dendrogram_key: str = None, levels_orig: list[str] = None, levels_agg: list[str] = None, add_level_name: bool = True, key_added: str = "tree", modality_key_1: str = "rna", modality_key_2: str = "coda", ) -> MuData: """Prepare a MuData object for subsequent processing. If type is "cell_level", then create a compositional analysis dataset from the input adata. If type is "sample_level", generate ete tree for tascCODA models from dendrogram information or cell-level observations. When using ``type="cell_level"``, ``adata`` needs to have a column in ``adata.obs`` that contains the cell type assignment. Further, it must contain one column or a set of columns (e.g. subject id, treatment, disease status) that uniquely identify each (statistical) sample. Further covariates (e.g. subject age) can either be specified via addidional column names in ``adata.obs``, a key in ``adata.uns``, or as a separate DataFrame. Args: adata: AnnData object. type: Specify the input adata type, which could be either a cell-level AnnData or an aggregated sample-level AnnData. cell_type_identifier: If type is "cell_level", specify column name in adata.obs that specifies the cell types. Defaults to None. sample_identifier: If type is "cell_level", specify column name in adata.obs that specifies the sample. Defaults to None. covariate_uns: If type is "cell_level", specify key for adata.uns, where covariate values are stored. Defaults to None. covariate_obs: If type is "cell_level", specify list of keys for adata.obs, where covariate values are stored. Defaults to None. covariate_df: If type is "cell_level", specify dataFrame with covariates. Defaults to None. dendrogram_key: Key to the result in `.uns` of original cell level anndata object. Defaults to None. levels_orig: List that indicates which columns in `.obs` of the original data correspond to tree levels. The list must begin with the root level, and end with the leaf level. Defaults to None. levels_agg: List that indicates which columns in `.var` of the aggregated data correspond to tree levels. The list must begin with the root level, and end with the leaf level. Defaults to None. add_level_name: If True, internal nodes in the tree will be named as "{level_name}_{node_name}" instead of just {level_name}. Defaults to False. key_added: If not specified, the tree is stored in .uns[‘tree’]. If `data` is AnnData, save tree in `data`. If `data` is MuData, save tree in data[modality_2]. Defaults to "tree". modality_key_1: Key to the cell-level AnnData in the MuData object. Defaults to "rna". modality_key_2: Key to the aggregated sample-level AnnData object in the MuData object. Defaults to "coda". Returns: MuData: MuData object with cell-level AnnData (`mudata[modality_key_1]`) and aggregated sample-level AnnData (`mudata[modality_key_2]`). Examples: >>> import pertpy as pt >>> adata = pt.dt.tasccoda_example() >>> tasccoda = >>> mdata = tasccoda.load( >>> adata, type="sample_level", >>> levels_agg=["Major_l1", "Major_l2", "Major_l3", "Major_l4", "Cluster"], >>> key_added="lineage", add_level_name=True >>> ) """ if type == "cell_level": adata_coda = from_scanpy( adata=adata, cell_type_identifier=cell_type_identifier, sample_identifier=sample_identifier, covariate_uns=covariate_uns, covariate_obs=covariate_obs, covariate_df=covariate_df, ) mdata = MuData({modality_key_1: adata, modality_key_2: adata_coda}) else: mdata = MuData({modality_key_1: AnnData(), modality_key_2: adata}) import_tree( data=mdata, modality_1=modality_key_1, modality_2=modality_key_2, dendrogram_key=dendrogram_key, levels_orig=levels_orig, levels_agg=levels_agg, add_level_name=add_level_name, key_added=key_added, ) return mdata
[docs] def prepare( self, data: AnnData | MuData, formula: str, reference_cell_type: str = "automatic", automatic_reference_absence_threshold: float = 0.05, tree_key: str = None, pen_args: dict = None, modality_key: str = "coda", ) -> AnnData | MuData: """Handles data preprocessing, covariate matrix creation, reference selection, and zero count replacement for tascCODA. Args: data: Anndata object with cell counts as .X and covariates saved in .obs or a MuData object. formula: R-style formula for building the covariate matrix. Categorical covariates are handled automatically, with the covariate value of the first sample being used as the reference category. To set a different level as the base category for a categorical covariate, use "C(<CovariateName>, Treatment('<ReferenceLevelName>'))" reference_cell_type: Column name that sets the reference cell type. If "automatic", the cell type with the lowest dispersion in relative abundance that is present in at least 90% of samlpes will be chosen. Defaults to "automatic". automatic_reference_absence_threshold: If using reference_cell_type = "automatic", determine the maximum fraction of zero entries for a cell type to be considered as a possible reference cell type. Defaults to 0.05. tree_key: Key in `adata.uns` that contains the tree structure pen_args: Dictionary with penalty arguments. With `reg="scaled_3"`, the parameters phi (aggregation bias), lambda_1, lambda_0 can be set here. See the tascCODA paper for an explanation of these parameters. Default: lambda_0 = 50, lambda_1 = 5, phi = 0. modality_key: If data is a MuData object, specify key to the aggregated sample-level AnnData object in the MuData object. Defaults to "coda". Returns: Return an AnnData (if input data is an AnnData object) or return a MuData (if input data is a MuData object) Specifically, parameters have been set: - `adata.uns["param_names"]` or `data[modality_key].uns["param_names"]`: List with the names of all tracked latent model parameters (through `npy.sample` or `npy.deterministic`) - `adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["model_type"]` or `data[modality_key].uns["scCODA_params"]["model_type"]`: String indicating the model type ("classic") - `adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["select_type"]` or `data[modality_key].uns["scCODA_params"]["select_type"]`: String indicating the type of spike_and_slab selection ("spikeslab") Examples: >>> import pertpy as pt >>> adata = pt.dt.tasccoda_example() >>> tasccoda = >>> mdata = tasccoda.load( >>> adata, type="sample_level", >>> levels_agg=["Major_l1", "Major_l2", "Major_l3", "Major_l4", "Cluster"], >>> key_added="lineage", add_level_name=True >>> ) >>> mdata = tasccoda.prepare( >>> mdata, formula="Health", reference_cell_type="automatic", tree_key="lineage", pen_args={"phi": 0} >>> ) """ if pen_args is None: pen_args = {"lambda_1": 5} if isinstance(data, MuData): adata = data[modality_key] is_MuData = True if isinstance(data, AnnData): adata = data is_MuData = False adata = super().prepare(adata, formula, reference_cell_type, automatic_reference_absence_threshold) if tree_key is None: raise ValueError("Please specify the key in .uns that contains the tree structure!") # Scoped import due to installation issues try: import ete3 as ete except ImportError: raise ImportError( "To use tasccoda please install additional dependencies as `pip install pertpy[coda]`" ) from None # toytree tree - only for legacy reasons, can be removed in the final version if isinstance(adata.uns[tree_key], tt.tree): # Collapse singularities in the tree phy_tree = collapse_singularities(adata.uns[tree_key]) # Get ancestor matrix A, T = get_a(phy_tree) adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["ancestor_matrix"] = A adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["T"] = T # Bring names of nodes back in order, they might have been scrambled during collapse_singularities node_names = [ for n in phy_tree.idx_dict.values()][1:] node_names.reverse() adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["node_names"] = node_names order = [ for n in adata.uns[tree_key].treenode.traverse() if n.is_leaf()] order.reverse() order_ind = [adata.var.index.tolist().index(x) for x in order] adata = adata[:, order_ind] ref_node_index = adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["reference_index"] # Ancestors of reference are a reference, too! refs = [p.idx for p in phy_tree.idx_dict[ref_node_index].get_ancestors()][:-1] refs = [ref_node_index] + refs adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["reference_index"] = refs adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["reference_leaf"] = ref_node_index # number of leaves for each internal node (important for aggregation penalty lambda_1) if "node_leaves" not in pen_args: node_leaves = [len(n.get_leaves()) for n in phy_tree.idx_dict.values()] node_leaves.reverse() pen_args["node_leaves"] = np.delete(np.array(node_leaves[:-1]), refs) # ete tree elif isinstance(adata.uns[tree_key], ete.Tree): # Collapse singularities in the tree phy_tree = collapse_singularities_2(adata.uns[tree_key]) node_names = [ for n in phy_tree.iter_descendants()] # Get ancestor matrix A, T = get_a_2(phy_tree, leaf_order=adata.var.index.tolist(), node_order=node_names) adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["ancestor_matrix"] = A adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["T"] = T adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["node_names"] = node_names # Ancestors of reference are a reference, too! # Get names of reference nodes reference_cell_type = adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["reference_cell_type"] ref_nodes = [ for n in phy_tree.search_nodes(name=reference_cell_type)[0].get_ancestors()[:-1]] ref_nodes = [reference_cell_type] + ref_nodes adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["reference_nodes"] = ref_nodes # indices of reference nodes ref_idxs = [node_names.index(r) for r in ref_nodes] adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["reference_index"] = ref_idxs adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["reference_leaf"] = ref_idxs[0] # number of leaves for each internal node (important for aggregation penalty lambda_1) if "node_leaves" not in pen_args: node_leaves = [len(n.get_leaves()) for n in phy_tree.iter_descendants()] pen_args["node_leaves"] = np.delete(np.array(node_leaves), ref_idxs) # No valid tree structure else: raise ValueError("Tree structure is not a toytree or ete3 tree object") # Default spike-and-slab LASSO parameters if "lambda_0" not in pen_args: pen_args["lambda_0"] = 50 if "lambda_1" not in pen_args: pen_args["lambda_1"] = 5 if "phi" not in pen_args: pen_args["phi"] = 0 adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["sslasso_pen_args"] = pen_args # All parameters that are returned for analysis adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["param_names"] = [ "alpha_0", "b_0", "alpha_1", "b_1", "theta", "alpha", "bet_0", "bet_1", "beta_select", "beta", "concentration", "prediction", ] adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["model_type"] = "tree_agg" adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["select_type"] = "sslasso" if is_MuData: data.mod[modality_key] = adata return data else: return adata
[docs] def set_init_mcmc_states(self, rng_key: None, ref_index: np.ndarray, sample_adata: AnnData) -> AnnData: # type: ignore """ Sets initial MCMC state values for tascCODA model Args: rng_key: RNG value to be set ref_index: Index of reference feature sample_adata: Anndata object with cell counts as sample_adata.X and covariates saved in sample_adata.obs. Returns: Return AnnData Examples: >>> import pertpy as pt >>> adata = pt.dt.tasccoda_example() >>> tasccoda = >>> mdata = tasccoda.load( >>> adata, type="sample_level", >>> levels_agg=["Major_l1", "Major_l2", "Major_l3", "Major_l4", "Cluster"], >>> key_added="lineage", add_level_name=True >>> ) >>> mdata = tasccoda.prepare( >>> mdata, formula="Health", reference_cell_type="automatic", tree_key="lineage", pen_args={"phi": 0} >>> ) >>> adata = tasccoda.set_init_mcmc_states(rng_key=42, ref_index=[0, 1], sample_adata=mdata["coda"]) """ N, D = sample_adata.obsm["covariate_matrix"].shape P = sample_adata.X.shape[1] T = sample_adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["T"] # Reference nodes must be sorted by index ref_index = np.sort(ref_index) num_ref_nodes = len(ref_index) # Sizes of different parameter matrices alpha_size = [P] beta_nobl_size = [D, T - num_ref_nodes] # spike-and-slab LASSO parameters lambda_0 = sample_adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["sslasso_pen_args"]["lambda_0"] # tree-based scaled penalty penalty_scale_factor = np.array( ( 1 / ( 1 + np.exp( -1 * sample_adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["sslasso_pen_args"]["phi"] * (sample_adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["sslasso_pen_args"]["node_leaves"] / P - 0.5) ) ) ), ) lambda_1 = 2 * sample_adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["sslasso_pen_args"]["lambda_1"] * penalty_scale_factor sample_adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["sslasso_pen_args"]["lambda_1_scaled"] = lambda_1 # Initial MCMC states rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=rng_key) sample_adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["mcmc"]["init_params"] = { "a_0": np.ones(dtype=np.float64, shape=beta_nobl_size) * 1 / lambda_0, "b_raw_0": rng.normal(0.0, 1.0, beta_nobl_size), "a_1": np.ones(dtype=np.float64, shape=beta_nobl_size) * 1 / lambda_1, "b_raw_1": rng.normal(0.0, 1.0, beta_nobl_size), "theta": np.ones(dtype=np.float64, shape=1) * 0.5, "alpha": rng.normal(0.0, 1.0, alpha_size), } return sample_adata
[docs] def model( # type: ignore self, counts: np.ndarray, covariates: np.ndarray, n_total: int, ref_index: np.ndarray, sample_adata: AnnData, ): """Implements tascCODA model in numpyro Args: counts: Count data array covariates: Covariate matrix n_total: Number of counts per sample ref_index: Index of reference feature sample_adata: Anndata object with cell counts as sample_adata.X and covariates saved in sample_adata.obs. Returns: predictions (see numpyro documentation for details on models) """ # data dimensions N, D = sample_adata.obsm["covariate_matrix"].shape P = sample_adata.X.shape[1] T = sample_adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["T"] # spike-and-slab LASSO parameters lambda_0 = sample_adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["sslasso_pen_args"]["lambda_0"] lambda_1 = sample_adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["sslasso_pen_args"]["lambda_1_scaled"] # Reference nodes must be sorted by index ref_index = jnp.sort(ref_index) num_ref_nodes = len(ref_index) # Size of inferred parameter matrix d = D * (T - num_ref_nodes) # numpyro plates for all dimensions covariate_axis = npy.plate("covs", D, dim=-2) node_axis = npy.plate("ct", T, dim=-1) node_axis_nobl = npy.plate("ctnb", T - num_ref_nodes, dim=-1) cell_type_axis = npy.plate("ct", P, dim=-1) sample_axis = npy.plate("sample", N, dim=-2) # Spike-and-slab LASSO effects theta = npy.sample("theta", npd.Beta(concentration1=1.0, concentration0=d)) with covariate_axis, node_axis_nobl: a_0 = npy.sample("a_0", npd.Exponential((lambda_0**2) / 2)) b_raw_0 = npy.sample("b_raw_0", npd.Normal(0.0, 1.0)) b_tilde_0 = npy.deterministic("b_tilde_0", a_0 * b_raw_0) a_1 = npy.sample("a_1", npd.Exponential((lambda_1**2) / 2)) b_raw_1 = npy.sample("b_raw_1", npd.Normal(0.0, 1.0)) b_tilde_1 = npy.deterministic("b_tilde_1", a_1 * b_raw_1) # calculate proposed beta and perform spike-and-slab b_tilde = (1 - theta) * b_tilde_0 + theta + b_tilde_1 with node_axis, covariate_axis: # Include effect 0 for reference nodes ref_inserts = jnp.array([ref_index[i] - i for i in range(num_ref_nodes)]) b_tilde = jnp.insert(b_tilde, ref_inserts, jnp.zeros(shape=[D, 1]), axis=-1) b_tilde = npy.deterministic("b_tilde", b_tilde) with cell_type_axis: # Intercepts alpha = npy.sample("alpha", npd.Normal(0.0, 10.0)) with covariate_axis: # sum up tree levels beta = npy.deterministic( "beta", jnp.matmul(b_tilde, sample_adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["ancestor_matrix"].T) ) # Combine intercepts and effects with sample_axis: concentrations = npy.deterministic( "concentrations", jnp.nan_to_num(jnp.exp(alpha + jnp.matmul(covariates, beta)), 0.0001) ) # Calculate DM-distributed counts predictions = npy.sample("counts", npd.DirichletMultinomial(concentrations, n_total), obs=counts) return predictions
[docs] def make_arviz( # type: ignore self, data: AnnData | MuData, modality_key: str = "coda", rng_key=None, num_prior_samples: int = 500, use_posterior_predictive: bool = True, ) -> az.InferenceData: """Creates arviz object from model results for MCMC diagnosis Args: data: AnnData object or MuData object. modality_key: If data is a MuData object, specify which modality to use. Defaults to "coda". rng_key: The rng state used for the prior simulation. If None, a random state will be selected. Defaults to None. num_prior_samples: Number of prior samples calculated. Defaults to 500. use_posterior_predictive: If True, the posterior predictive will be calculated. Defaults to True. Returns: arviz.InferenceData: arviz_data Examples: >>> import pertpy as pt >>> adata = pt.dt.tasccoda_example() >>> tasccoda = >>> mdata = tasccoda.load( >>> adata, type="sample_level", >>> levels_agg=["Major_l1", "Major_l2", "Major_l3", "Major_l4", "Cluster"], >>> key_added="lineage", add_level_name=True >>> ) >>> mdata = tasccoda.prepare( >>> mdata, formula="Health", reference_cell_type="automatic", tree_key="lineage", pen_args={"phi": 0} >>> ) >>> tasccoda.run_nuts(mdata, num_samples=1000, num_warmup=100, rng_key=42) >>> arviz_data = tasccoda.make_arviz(mdata) """ if isinstance(data, MuData): try: sample_adata = data[modality_key] except IndexError: logger.error("When data is a MuData object, modality_key must be specified!") raise if isinstance(data, AnnData): sample_adata = data if not self.mcmc: raise ValueError("No MCMC sampling found. Please run a sampler first!") # feature names cell_types = sample_adata.var.index.to_list() # arviz dimensions dims = { "alpha": ["cell_type"], "theta": [], "a_0": ["covariate", "node_nb"], "b_raw_0": ["covariate", "node_nb"], "a_1": ["covariate", "node_nb"], "b_raw_1": ["covariate", "node_nb"], "b_tilde_0": ["covariate", "node_nb"], "b_tilde_1": ["covariate", "node_nb"], "b_tilde": ["covariate", "node"], "beta": ["covariate", "cell_type"], "concentrations": ["sample", "cell_type"], "counts": ["sample", "cell_type"], } # arviz coordinates reference_index = sample_adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["reference_index"] node_names = sample_adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["node_names"] nodes_nb = [val for n, val in enumerate(node_names) if n not in reference_index] coords = { "cell_type": cell_types, "node_nb": nodes_nb, "node": node_names, "covariate": sample_adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["covariate_names"], "sample": sample_adata.obs.index, } dtype = "float64" # Prior and posterior predictive simulation numpyro_covariates = jnp.array(sample_adata.obsm["covariate_matrix"], dtype=dtype) numpyro_n_total = jnp.array(sample_adata.obsm["sample_counts"], dtype=dtype) ref_index = jnp.array(sample_adata.uns["scCODA_params"]["reference_index"]) if rng_key is None: rng = np.random.default_rng() rng_key = random.key(rng.integers(0, 10000)) if use_posterior_predictive: posterior_predictive = Predictive(self.model, self.mcmc.get_samples())( rng_key, counts=None, covariates=numpyro_covariates, n_total=numpyro_n_total, ref_index=ref_index, sample_adata=sample_adata, ) else: posterior_predictive = None if num_prior_samples > 0: prior = Predictive(self.model, num_samples=num_prior_samples)( rng_key, counts=None, covariates=numpyro_covariates, n_total=numpyro_n_total, ref_index=ref_index, sample_adata=sample_adata, ) else: prior = None # Create arviz object arviz_data = az.from_numpyro( self.mcmc, prior=prior, posterior_predictive=posterior_predictive, dims=dims, coords=coords ) return arviz_data
[docs] def run_nuts( self, data: AnnData | MuData, modality_key: str = "coda", num_samples: int = 10000, num_warmup: int = 1000, rng_key: int = 0, copy: bool = False, *args, **kwargs, ): """ Examples: >>> import pertpy as pt >>> adata = pt.dt.tasccoda_example() >>> tasccoda = >>> mdata = tasccoda.load( >>> adata, type="sample_level", >>> levels_agg=["Major_l1", "Major_l2", "Major_l3", "Major_l4", "Cluster"], >>> key_added="lineage", add_level_name=True >>> ) >>> mdata = tasccoda.prepare( >>> mdata, formula="Health", reference_cell_type="automatic", tree_key="lineage", pen_args={"phi": 0} >>> ) >>> tasccoda.run_nuts(mdata, num_samples=1000, num_warmup=100, rng_key=42) """ return super().run_nuts(data, modality_key, num_samples, num_warmup, rng_key, copy, *args, **kwargs)
run_nuts.__doc__ = CompositionalModel2.run_nuts.__doc__ + run_nuts.__doc__
[docs] def summary(self, data: AnnData | MuData, extended: bool = False, modality_key: str = "coda", *args, **kwargs): """ Examples: >>> import pertpy as pt >>> adata = pt.dt.tasccoda_example() >>> tasccoda = >>> mdata = tasccoda.load( >>> adata, type="sample_level", >>> levels_agg=["Major_l1", "Major_l2", "Major_l3", "Major_l4", "Cluster"], >>> key_added="lineage", add_level_name=True >>> ) >>> mdata = tasccoda.prepare( >>> mdata, formula="Health", reference_cell_type="automatic", tree_key="lineage", pen_args={"phi": 0} >>> ) >>> tasccoda.run_nuts(mdata, num_samples=1000, num_warmup=100, rng_key=42) >>> tasccoda.summary(mdata) """ return super().summary(data, extended, modality_key, *args, **kwargs)
summary.__doc__ = CompositionalModel2.summary.__doc__ + summary.__doc__
[docs] def credible_effects(self, data: AnnData | MuData, modality_key: str = "coda", est_fdr: float = None) -> pd.Series: """ Examples: >>> import pertpy as pt >>> adata = pt.dt.tasccoda_example() >>> tasccoda = >>> mdata = tasccoda.load( >>> adata, type="sample_level", >>> levels_agg=["Major_l1", "Major_l2", "Major_l3", "Major_l4", "Cluster"], >>> key_added="lineage", add_level_name=True >>> ) >>> mdata = tasccoda.prepare( >>> mdata, formula="Health", reference_cell_type="automatic", tree_key="lineage", pen_args={"phi": 0} >>> ) >>> tasccoda.run_nuts(mdata, num_samples=1000, num_warmup=100, rng_key=42) >>> tasccoda.credible_effects(mdata) """ return super().credible_effects(data, modality_key, est_fdr)
credible_effects.__doc__ = CompositionalModel2.credible_effects.__doc__ + credible_effects.__doc__
[docs] def set_fdr(self, data: AnnData | MuData, est_fdr: float, modality_key: str = "coda", *args, **kwargs): """ Examples: >>> import pertpy as pt >>> adata = pt.dt.tasccoda_example() >>> tasccoda = >>> mdata = tasccoda.load( >>> adata, type="sample_level", >>> levels_agg=["Major_l1", "Major_l2", "Major_l3", "Major_l4", "Cluster"], >>> key_added="lineage", add_level_name=True >>> ) >>> mdata = tasccoda.prepare( >>> mdata, formula="Health", reference_cell_type="automatic", tree_key="lineage", pen_args={"phi": 0} >>> ) >>> tasccoda.run_nuts(mdata, num_samples=1000, num_warmup=100, rng_key=42) >>> tasccoda.set_fdr(mdata, est_fdr=0.4) """ return super().set_fdr(data, est_fdr, modality_key, *args, **kwargs)
set_fdr.__doc__ = CompositionalModel2.set_fdr.__doc__ + set_fdr.__doc__